國立臺灣大學遺傳與發育生物學實驗室 (Laboratory for Genetics and Development at the National Taiwan University)
2013年5月17日 星期五
2013年5月16日 星期四
張俊哲老師團隊之研究成果 (2002-2013)
Covers |
* Corresponding authors
+ Equal contribution
Chang, C-c.†*; Hsiao, Y. M.†; Huang, T. Y.; Cook, C. E.; Shigenobu, S.; Chang, T. H. (2013) Noncanonical expression of caudal during early embryogenesis in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum: maternal cad-driven posterior development is not conserved. Insect Molecular Biology, 22: 442–455. doi: 10.1111/imb.12035 (SCI)
Lu, H. L., Tanguy, S., Rispe, C., Gauthier, J., Walsh, T., Gordon, K., Edwards, O., Tagu, D., Chang, C-c.*, Jaubert-Possamai, S.* (2011) Expansion of Genes Encoding piRNA-Associated Argonaute Proteins in the Pea Aphid: Diversification of Expression Profiles in Different Plastic Morphs. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28051. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028051 (* co-corresponding authors)
Lu, H. L., Tanguy, S., Rispe, C., Gauthier, J., Walsh, T., Gordon, K., Edwards, O., Tagu, D., Chang, C-c.*, Jaubert-Possamai, S.* (2011) Expansion of Genes Encoding piRNA-Associated Argonaute Proteins in the Pea Aphid: Diversification of Expression Profiles in Different Plastic Morphs. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28051. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028051 (* co-corresponding authors)
Cover of the textbook IMG 3rd Edition. |
The International Aphid Genomics Consortium (2010) Genome Sequence of the Pea Aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. PLoS Biology 8(2): e1000313. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000313. (Chun-che Chang is designated as a leader of the germline gene annotation group in the paper; Cover story; cover image of this issue is contributed by the Chang Lab) (SCI)
Ting-Yu Huang, Charles E. Cook, Gregory K. Davis, Shuji Shigenobu, Rita P.-Y. Chen, and Chun-che Chang* (2010) Anterior development in the parthenogenetic and viviparous form of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: hunchback and orthodenticle expression. Insect Molecular Biology 19: 75-85. (SCI)
Shuji Shigenobu*, R. D. Bickel, J. A. Brisson, T. Butts, C.-c. Chang et al. (2010) Comprehensive survey of developmental genes in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: frequent lineage-specific duplications and losses of developmental genes. Insect Molecular Biology 19: 47-62.
Yi-Chun Tsai, Leellen F. Solter, Chih-Yuan Wang, Huai-Sheng Fan, Chun-che Chang*, Chung-Hsiung Wang* (2009) Morphological and molecular studies of a microsporidium (Nosema sp.) isolated from the three spot grass yellow butterfly, Eurema blanda arsakia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 100: 85-93. (SCI)
Chun-che Chang*, Ting-Yu Huang, Charles E. Cook, Gee-Way Lin, Chun-Liang Shih, and Rita P.-Y. Chen (2009) Developmental expression of Apnanos during oogenesis and embryogenesis in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). International Journal of Developmental Biology 53: 169-176. (SCI)
Taro Mito, Taro Nakamura, Isao Sarashina, Chun-che Chang, Shotaro Ogawa, Hideyo Ohuchi, and Sumihare Noji (2008) Dynamic expression patterns of vasa during embryogenesisin the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Development Genes Evolution 218: 381-387. (SCI)
Chun-che Chang*, Ting-Yu Huang†, Chun-Liang Shih, Gee-Way Lin, Te-Pin Chang, Hui Chiu, Wen-Chang Chang (2008) Whole-mount identification of gene transcripts in aphids: Protocols and evaluation of probe accessibility. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 68: 186-96. (SCI)
Chun-che Chang*, Hui Chiu, and How-Jing Lee (2008) Identification of nuage-like structures in the panoistic ovarioles of the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Linnaeus). Formosan Entomologist 28: 1-10. (Cover story)
Gee-Way Lin, Shau-Lin Lu, Ting-Yu Huang, Chun-Liang Shih, Wen-Jer Wu*, and Chun-che Chang* (2008) Molecular identification of weevils significant for customs inspection and quarantine importance. Formosan Entomologist 28: 43-55. (This paper was written in Chinese)
Chun-che Chang*, Gee-way Lin, Charles E. Cook, Shwu-bin Horng, How-jing Lee and Ting-yu Huang (2007) Apvasa marks germ-cell migration in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Development Genes Evolution 217: 275–287 (SCI)
Chun-che Chang*, Wen-chih Lee, Charles E. Cook, Gee-way Lin, and Tschining Chang (2006) Germ-plasm specification and germline development in the parthenogenetic pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum: Vasa and Nanos as markers. International Journal of Developmental Biology 50: 413-421. (Cover story
; cited by Cell (2006) and PNAS (2007)) (SCI)
(Before 2003)
Chun-che Chang, Peter Dearden, and Michael Akam* (2002) Germline development in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria: Vasa as a marker. Developmental Biology 252: 110-118. (SCI) (Cover story)
Chun-che Chang and Charles E. Cook* (2002) Trends in genomic “evo-devo". 3 (7): reports 4019.1-4019.2. Genome Biology. (peer-reviewed) (SCI)
2013年5月3日 星期五
“Ask Why”,讓學習變得更有趣!(推薦序)
在臺大教授分子生物學 (分生) 的過程中,我經常挑戰學生兩件事:
請捫心自問,有沒有把握將 ”DNA” 與 ”RNA” 的英文全名正確地寫出來?
請捫心自問,背了那麼多的專有名詞 (含縮寫) ,對於實際從事實驗工作,到底有多少的幫助?
讓我驚訝的是:就算已經明白地表示寫出 DNA 和 RNA 的英文全名,將是期中考的必考題,但仍有為數不少的同學無法將 “deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA)” 或是 “ribonucleic acid (RNA)” 一字不差地答出。更令人百思不解的是:就算明知死背專有名詞無助於實驗的設計與進行,許多同學仍在考試前囫圇吞棗地記了一堆不知所云的英文專有名詞,希望腦中的暫存記憶,能提高猜中答案的機率。當然,這樣的學習態度不可能獲致令人滿意的成績。但更大的副作用還在後頭:同學們對分生漸行漸遠,不僅萌生退意,甚至產生了敵意!
為何同學們不願腳踏實地治學,以及主動釐清分子反應機制?重要的關鍵之一,在於興趣缺缺。實際上,這樣的問題並非僅存於分生一科,許多科目的學習瓶頸亦頗為類似。究其個中原因,我發現同學們仍把大一、大二、大三,當作高四、高五、高六,沿襲被動的學習方式,習慣「等待標準答案」,而非主動發掘答案。講得更明白些,同學們已習於、惰於、甚至懼於 “Ask Why (問為什麼)”。因為 “Ask Why” 在準備升學考試的過程,似乎效用不大,甚至曾經試著想 “Ask Why” 而被老師潑冷水的同學,亦不乏其人。就我個人的觀察,一旦在學習的過程停止
“Ask Why”,接下來連思考 “Why Me (為何是我?)” 的動力都會大幅下降。如此一來書讀不懂,又逃避面對自己、面對人生,自然而然地會選擇 「面對電腦」。然而,對於解決學習和人生的問題卻幾乎沒有助益。
我很高興看到武村政春博士繼《世界第一簡單分子生物學》,又推出《3 小時讀通 DNA 誕生之謎》這本極富創意的大作。這本書最大的特色,就是不斷地以 “Ask Why” 引導讀者瞭解 DNA 的真面目。同時,藉由不斷地 “Ask Why”,啟發大家想更進一步探索 DNA 的強烈動機。不約而同地,近幾年改版的分生或遺傳學原文教科書,紛紛以更顯著的篇幅介紹科學家與他 (她) 們的科學貢獻,甚至在每章另闢專欄作頗為詳盡的介紹。武村博士這本新著,乃是以更生動的筆觸,佐以最親切活潑的插畫,將從事 DNA 與 RNA 研究的科學家以及其研究成果,呈現於讀者眼前。難能可貴的是:藉由 “Ask Why”,把科學家們曾經想過,或還正在構思的理論,和讀者們分享。
DNA,接著高中再多學一些;到了大一的普通生物學和大二的生物化學又再學了一遍 “進階英文版的 DNA”。因此,到了大三的分生課程,許多同學們一開始對於學習 DNA 的構造和化學特性都掉以輕心,以為只是炒冷飯。等到察覺有許多的重點是以前未曾釐清和吸收,不幸為時已晚,第一次的期中考自然慘遭滑鐵盧,只能等待第二、三次的期中考敗部復活。面對如此之 “學習疲乏症候群”,唯有改以經常 “Ask Why” 的學習方式,才能讓自己更加積極、更加謙卑地面對遺傳密碼的奧祕。武村博士這本饒富創意的大作,相信對於治癒 “DNA冷感症” 或是 “DNA恐懼症”,應頗具療效。對於 DNA 的初學者,我相信您們一開始就會被武村博士
“Ask Why” 的學習方式啟發,再也不敢輕看 DNA 雙螺旋,並且產生濃厚的興趣,把具有超過三十億年歷史的 DNA,在三小時內先睹為快!
“Ask Why” 這樣的學習方式後,能夠無所畏懼地挑戰 “Why Me” 的這個大哉問,進而開創更真誠積極的人生!
2013 年 4 月
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